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Eagle Team Rules


1. Be in class AND seated on time.

2. Bring ALL necessary materials (which includes books) to class EVERYDAY.

3. Listen to instructions.

4. Complete (hand in on time) ALL assignments.

5. Respect others.

6. Raise your hand to ask a question or to ask for help.




a. First offense: teacher warning

b. Second offense: offense will be logged in team’s discipline book.

c. Five team violations: thirty minutes after school detention AND conference with team teachers.

d. Ten team violations: thirty minutes after school detention AND conference with parents, team teachers, and counselor.

e. Continued team violations: Student will be placed on a team contract PLUS conference with parents, teachers, principal, and counselor.

f. Continued team violations after student is placed on team contract, student will be referred to the principal PLUS conference with parents, teachers, and counselor.

g. Severe disruption: Student will be sent immediately to the office.




Loss of team privileges (i.e. field trips) Placed in isolation

In-school-suspension Friday Night School

Out-of-school-suspension Extended Day

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